Sunday, December 28, 2008

A bit of Christmas

It's hard to imagine how I can wrap up the last few days.  I don't have access to all of the pictures at the moment and I don't think I'd want to put them all in a blog post anyway.  You'll have to keep an eye on our flickr accounts.  :-)

First, the funny picture post I alluded to last week.  We took Heather to see Santa a few days before Christmas at Phipps.  In typical toddler fashion, she went on and on about going to see santa, and was impatient when we were standing in line even though the line wasn't that long (she was anxious to go back to see the trains).  She seemed happy when it was our turn, but then daddy put her on Santa's lap.

R and I really don't try to take blackmail quality photos, but sometimes they just fall in your lap.

Christmas morning Heather probably would have been happy just getting the Big Bird sticking out of her stocking, and after a few more presents from the stocking she was more interested in playing than opening.  But we alternated playing with opening, and she allowed mommy, daddy, bapa and nana to open presents for her, so since everyone else opened stockings and presents while she played we were able to sit down to breakfast after about 2 1/2 hours.  :-)

Her biggest present from Santa was her play kitchen.

She got lots of great presents at four different celebrations - Christmas morning at home, Christmas night at the ILs, Saturday morning at nana's parents and saturday night with bapa's mother.  She got babies, puzzles, a beautiful stool, books, clothes (yay!  no more running out of clothes once a week!), a train set, and kitchen name a few.  There is lots of stuff, but since R and I weren't overwhelmed with presents it doesn't feel as overwhelming overall.  And there aren't a lot of big toys, which is nice.

I took 3 diaper boxes of toys and a few books upstairs to storage on Christmas Eve, so I think we can avoid feeling like a small toy store when we unpack everything next week.


DrBabyMamaDrama said...

The play kitchen was such a hit in our house, too. I love those name blocks. Where are they from?

Ben and Cori Momma said...

Heather looks adorable, even crying in Santa's lap!