Wednesday, February 01, 2006

5 days - cute kitty

I know, I know. I'm sure that those of you who aren't cat people are tired of "cute kitty" stories. But it's my blog, so that's too bad isn't it. ;-)

Stewart tried to wake me at 4:45 and 5:45 this morning. (This is only cute because I can quickly fall back to sleep.) After his second attempt failed, he curled up in the crook of my arm. Aaaawwww. The only difficulty this morning was that he curled up on the outside arm instead of the inside arm. So when my alarm went off it took a bit of maneuvering to get to it, because he was between me and the alarm clock *and* because he was weighing down the edge of the bedclothes. And even then, I practically trapped him while I was doing it. I could only reach the snooze button, and when I laid back down for a few more minutes he curled up again. Aaaawwww. I tried to rouse him two minutes before the alarm went off again, but he just kept purring and staring at me with big "why do you want to move?" eyes. I had to pick him up and move him when the alarm went off again. So then he sat on my pillow, happily accepting attention until I reluctantly left to start my day.

It is a little frustrating to have to maneuver a 13 lb cat to get up, but since a purring cat is one of the best ways to wake up that I've ever found, I can deal. :-)

(Disclaimer - our other two cats are adorable and loveable, and just a few days ago all three curled up with us when we went to bed (totally adorable) and all three were back by the time we woke up (cute and warm). But, since we lost The Destroyer, Stewart is the only one to provide affection and wake-up assistance without simultaneously demanding food and/or water. They each have their own great traits, though. Nora is most likely to curl up on my lap and is usually first to greet me when I get home. And Effie is most likely to act like a teddy bear or sleep under the covers.)

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