Monday, December 05, 2005


The benefits of a productive weekend:

- Goals were accomplished
- Bedroom furniture is back where it belongs (I'll try to take pictures soon...but it won't happen tonight)
- Tools can be returned to the toolbox
- The kitchen sink is no longer producing strange smells
- The Halloween decorations are put away
- If we should have unexpected guests, there are LOT of clean towels
- Enough stuff is put away that I can see the dust that needs to be removed (not necessarily a benefit, but a step in the right direction)
- And most importantly, I got enough done that I don't have to feel guilty about all of the knitting I'm going to do this week.

The downside, is that I don't feel like I got much resting time to recharge for the week. I got enough sleep, but just not enough time for my brain to be quiet and my body as well. But, that's the way it goes. My main goal is to ensure that my week off between Christmas and new years can be as productive or as boring as I choose, because I know it will go too fast. So I want to go into it with a generally clean and straight house, with no "in progress" projects that *must* be worked on. It is looking like I might get my wish...

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