Monday, March 06, 2006

A successful experiment

Spice both sides of pork tenderloin with dill, thyme, salt, pepper and
dijon mustard. Put in casserole with a layer of water and a little
lemon juice. Cook covered at 375 for 30 minutes and uncovered for 10
more. (If time, cook longer at a lower temperature to keep moist.


Janey said...

Sounds delicious!!
What time is supper?

I'm going to make a copy of it for the chief cook in this household. Even though I doubt he'll make it.

Janey said...

It's me again. Couldn't find any other way to contact you. (Which may have more to do with me being tired, than there not being any place that says "E-mail Me".)

You have a good blog (despite a lack of comments most days). It makes for interesting reading.
I've just quickly scanned through it from the start, looking for a mention of the Baby Poncho shown in your knitting gallery. (But it seems you call things "knitting projects" or just "projects", a lot of the time.)

Would love to have the pattern for the poncho.

Take care and happy knitting,